Repurposing Graphics: The Secret to Efficient and Effective Design

Repurposing Graphics: The Secret to Efficient and Effective Design

Jul 24, 2024

Repurposing Graphics: The Secret to Efficient and Effective Design

So, you've got the basics of graphic design down, a brand style guide in hand, and a clear vision for your project. You're ready to dive into creating your graphic. But before you start from scratch, ask yourself: Can I use existing images or logos? More often than not, the answer is a resounding 'yes'—especially when you're just starting out.

Save Time and Resources

Think about it: Why reinvent the wheel? There are plenty of places to find the perfect visual for your needs. Start internally—your brand style guide is a treasure trove of images and logos. You might also have a stash of company assets, either bought from third parties or created in-house.

Don't forget about the wealth of resources available online. From free image libraries to budget-friendly stock photos, the internet is brimming with options. Tools like Pixlr and Canva offer fantastic templates and graphics that can make your life easier.

The Power of Repurposing

One of the best strategies in your design toolkit is repurposing existing graphics. For example, a stock photo can make a stunning background for a social media post.

Repurposing means adapting or breaking down an image for a new use. Take an infographic, for example. You can split it into several individual graphics, each focusing on different sections like:

  • Remote work stats

  • Challenges of remote work

  • Creating an inclusive remote work culture

  • Essential remote work tools

This approach lets you create multiple, specific graphics from one source, making your content go further.

Why Repurpose?

  • Efficiency: It’s quicker than starting from scratch.

  • Cost-effective: Save money by using what you already have.

  • Consistency: Reusing images reinforces your message and maintains brand consistency.

Pro Tips for Using Templates

Using templates can also be a huge time-saver. Here are some tips to make your templates stand out:

  • Ensure images are high-quality and copyright-free.

  • Remove any placeholder text or content.

  • Be inspired by templates, but add your unique touch—don’t just copy them.

  • Pay attention to contrast and font readability. Some templates might look great but have hard-to-read text.

Dive Deeper into Graphic Design

If you're eager to create images from scratch, check out the free Graphic Design Course we collaborated on with HubSpot Academy. It's packed with knowledge and tools to help you become a graphic design pro.

So, next time you're about to create a graphic, remember: repurpose, reuse, and make the most of the fantastic resources at your fingertips!

Ready to bring your creative visions to life? Let's collaborate! Get in touch today to discuss your project and explore how we can turn your ideas into reality. Contact us now to get started!

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Copyright by MAKREATE IT Services Co LLC 2024

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Copyright by MAKREATE IT Services Co LLC 2024